Artist Interview with Elaine Jackson

We are delighted to share an interview with you that pulls back the curtain on the creative mind of our current Featured Artist, Elaine Jackson.

"Clear Days II"

Tell us about your journey to becoming an artist. Was it something you always knew you would do? And how did you develop your art skills?

“I always had an interest in the Visual Arts. Early on I took a few classes, but got serious much later after my daughters were grown and I could really invest the time of practicing, exploring mediums and see what I liked and could do. I’m from Middle Georgia and have lived in several cities around the south so the Southern Region is hugely influential into what I paint. I have no formal instruction. I’ve learned the past several years through my own trial and error and talking with other artists about what works for them.”

"Eucalyptus" by Elaine Jackson


Where do you find inspiration?

“When I have the time I love to visit galleries wherever I’m traveling to get inspiration from what other artists are doing. Their interpretation on canvas is invigorating to the creative part that makes me want to try new things. It gives me a new perspective on how I see art.”

Tell us about your creative process. How do you begin a piece?

“Early on when I started a painting, I started with several smaller sketches before starting the bigger piece. Now I jump right in with a few strokes to put a rough composition to canvas then fill in background and then working the focal part of the piece.”


How do you know a piece is complete?

“Knowing when a piece is finished is the hardest part of the process for me. It is so easy to overwork a painting and something I struggle with regularly. I’ve learned to put the paint brush down and walk away, rest my eyes on the painting and look at it another day. When I do that I most often feel it’s done when I come back to it.”

Tell us about your favorite medium.

“My favorite medium to paint is Acrylic. It’s fast working and if I need to change something I just paint over it. My next favorite medium is Watercolor for it’s loose translucent feel. “

"Reflect I" by Elaine Jackson

"Reflect I"


Describe your studio or workspace.

“Homes are not designed with Art Studios in mind so I’ve had to be creative with my space. Today I use my garage. I added a Climate Control unit and more lighting and it gives me plenty of space to spread out and have different areas to work depending on what I’m doing, painting on an easel with Acrylic, at my drafting table with Watercolor or cutting mats and framing in another corner.”

What routines or rituals do you employ while creating? Do you find creativity flows best at certain times of day, listening to certain music, etc?

“Not everyday is successful creatively. Some days the paint just doesn’t flow right on canvas or paper and those days it’s best not to force it and I put the paint brush down and do something else like framing or social media. I am a full time artist and it’s a business to me so I work at it everyday except Sunday. My most creative times are in the morning with fresh eyes and being rested as I stand most of the day when I paint.”


What motivates you to create?

“I’m always either working on a commission, building up inventory for a shop that needs new work or getting ready for an Art Show, so I’m constantly motivated to paint each day. I also have so many ideas for new paintings that I’m anxious to get to canvas.”

Tell us about your commission process.

“The Commission process is simple. I can be contacted by email or phone. You can send photos if you have something specific you want painted. Sometimes client will see a piece of my work they saw in a store or online at my website or Instagram that they want something similar. All that is need to start a commission is any information of subject matter, size and a deposit. “

"Delicate" by Elaine Jackson


What is the best way to receive updates about your latest work?

My contact Information:



Instagram: @ejcolors

A number of Elaine’s pieces can be found on display in the RBID Studio, available for viewing and purchase by appointment. Email to schedule an appointment. Her work is also shop-able any time, day or not, in our online inventory shop.


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