Creating spaces that nurture, encourage and inspire.

Rachael Bell Interior Design’s energetic approach to design is reflected in our mission. We use dynamic terms that express an action or state of being because your home should be just that - active and effervescent. We expect your home to to evolve with you well beyond the completion of any design project.

While your home changes through the years, we want the makeup of your home to be rooted in evergreen concepts that can serve future generations. Using this approach, Rachael and her team curate homes that grow and develop with you and your dynamic family.


(verb) to care for or encourage the growth and development of.

Birds build nests and expecting mothers have a “nesting” phase. It’s human nature to cultivate a home for our family that is safe, comfortable and encourages growth for our loved ones.


(verb) to give support, confidence, or hope to someone.

What if your home could be thoughtfully designed to support each person who enters? To give them confidence, purpose, and a sense of place. We believe your home should encourage the best version yourself, your family, and your guests.


(verb) to create a feeling in a person.

What do you want your home to inspire? Rest, creativity, movement, community, peace… The feelings that you want to be ignited in both yourself, and all who experience your home, should be at the forefront of your home’s design.

Ready to transform your home?